NSBL-EP-011 Fundamental Unification Theory with the Electron, the Neutrino, and Their Antiparticles
An SU3 unification theory with the electron, the positron, and the neutrino is reviewed. A 10-spacetime gravidynamic unification of the internal charges and the spin is formulated, with a 16-component Majorana-Weyl fermion that consolidates the foregoing three Weyl particles with the antineutrino, and their Dirac conjugates. Vector bosons and scalar (Higgs) particles are consolidated in an antisymmetric tensor of 3rd rank, being the only tensor, apart from the graviton of 10-spacetime, that can couple to the unifying fermion. We write the
Lorentz algebra of 10-spacetime in terms of the 4-spacetime Lorentz algebra and the internal O6 factor, the latter expressed via its U3 subalgebra, and construct the pertinent operator representations. We exhibit the complete structure of the unified gauge-Higgs couplings, indicating the source terms of particle masses. On the basis of this simple unification model, we propose the radical idea that all observed bosonic and fermionic particles, whether leptonic or hadronic, may be composed of just the underlying four fundamental fermions.
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