NSBL-FT-020 Introduction to Supersymmetric Field Theory
We present a concise review of superalgebras and of supersymmetric field theory in 4-spacetime. Extended and higher-dimensional supersymmetries are also treated. Topics include: Superalgebras, supergroups, simple, unitary, orthosymplectic and exceptional superalgebras; Spacetime supersymmetry, Poincare superalgebra, supermultiplets and superfields, superfield calculus, chiral superfields, scalar and other supermultiplets; Supersymmetric gauge theory, superfield gauge formalism, symmetry breaking; Extended supersymmetries, extended Poincare superalgebra, 2-fold, 4-fold and 8-fold extended supersymmetries, six, ten and 11-dimensional supersymmetries, conformal superalgebra.
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