NSBL-QF-011 Framework for the Effective Action of Quantum Gauge and Gravitational Fields
We consider the construction of a simplified framework for constructing the manifestly gauge-invariant effective action of non-Abelian quantum gauge, and gravitational, fields. The new framework modifies the bilinear terms that are associated with virtual gauge fields. This is done in a manner that rectifies the singular kernel, simplifies loop computations, and maintains manifest effective gauge invariance. Starting with the invariant Lagrangian for a general non-Abelian gauge theory, we present analysis pertaining to the derivation of the
effective propagator and the effective vertices. Similar analysis is extended to the Einstein invariant gravitational Lagrangian. We discuss the possibility of seeding the elements of symmetry breaking, and structuring the underlying gauge algebra, through a mechanism of giving masses to the components of the virtual fields. This mechanism could be a substitute to the Higgs scenario in non-Abelian gauge unification models, and an alternative to compactification in extra-dimensional gravity.
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